How My Eleven Year Old Son Taught Me That Having a Gay Character in ‘Train Your Dragon’ is Important

Guest post by Mindy Forsythe.  Mindy is also the adoptive mom in the evolequals story   The Real True Story About How Parents Adopted Out Their Child When He Told Them He Was Gay



My eleven year old son Mason has been a big fan of DreamWork’s “How to Train Your Dragon”. In the new sequel, DreamWorks plans for Gobber the Belch to reveal his homosexuality.  Dean DeBlois, writer-director and openly gay himself, told E! News that the character’s acknowledgement will be subtle.  Subtle or not, this is exciting news for our family.  We have four beautiful children aged eleven to nineteen.  They are typical siblings…fighting one minute and best friends the next.  Two of our children, however, have a relationship that has shown me just how important and influential DreamWorks’s decision to include gay characters really is.

Mason, the baby in our family, is athletic, intelligent, tough as nails, yet sweet as pie.  He is known for his Mohawk that changes colors from week to week.  He has a quick, impish laugh and an equally quick ire. 

Corey is our oldest son.  He is nineteen years old . Even though he is our oldest child, he is also our newest.   Corey joined our family four years ago after he came out as gay at age fifteen.   He felt forced to leave his biological family and when he came to us, Corey was broken and suicidal from his previous home experience.  In our home he found unconditional love.   As each member forged their new relationship with him, there was an evolvement of understanding and compassion for what he had been through.

Mason was only seven years old when we took guardianship of Corey.  Corey and Mason bonded very quickly.  Mason seemed to sense and embrace Corey’s pain and vulnerability.  He often crawled into Corey’s lap or snuggled against his side during family movie time, and I was sure that despite our efforts to shield him from the ugliness Corey had suffered, he picked up on it.  I could see he understood that Corey hurt by the way he would slip his little hand into his at random moments and by the easy way he accepted Corey as a brother.

The age difference between Corey and Mason was just enough that Corey was patient and loving despite Mason’s baby brother antics.  Corey became the perfect mentor for Mason.  He was always willing to throw around a Frisbee, listen to a story or help with homework.  Many weekend nights I would find both boys sound asleep on the couch with a movie still playing.  Their relationship made me smile.   We never directly discussed Corey’s sexuality with Mason; we also never made any effort to hide it. 

It was no secret to Mason that Corey liked boys.  All of it was of little interest to him.  When Corey and my daughter Aubrey giggled and whispered about boys in the mall the way teenagers do, Mason rolled his eyes and asked me what in the world was wrong with them.  When Corey’s first boyfriend held his hand, and when our son Andrew invited a girl to the movies, Mason had the same reaction.  All this young love and mushiness made no sense to his little boy brain.  He was much more interested in talking his older siblings into finding frogs and playing baseball.  I figured the day would come that I would finally ask Mason directly his thoughts about Corey being gay, but for the time being, I would allow him to just be a little boy grossed out by all things mushy.

 Finally, when Mason was nine years old I decided to ask him what he thought about Corey being gay.  I knew the time was right because Mason had mentioned that some of his friends were using the phrase, “That’s so gay.”  Mason was noticeably upset as he explained to me how he had told them not to say it anymore.  I was proud of his response to them, and I wanted to know more about what he was thinking about having a gay brother.  I prepared myself for a deep philosophical discussion.  I rehearsed answers to the questions I suspected he might ask.  All of my preparation was quickly proven unnecessary because Mason’s answer was simple.  He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Whatever.  Corey likes boys.”  That was his entire, matter of fact, nonjudgmental, nonchalant response.  He said it and then asked if he could go play.  I was left pondering.  Mason’s blunt answer left me with more questions than satisfaction.  It seemed too easy for him.

A week after my original question to Mason, I chaperoned a field trip with his class to the Henry Ford Museum.  Mason and his little buddies spent much of the day learning about Ford’s assembly line and the industrial revolution.  Mason, asked me a number of times if we could go see the bus that Rosa Parks rode in Alabama.  As we made our way toward the civil rights area of the museum, I had second thoughts.  It was one thing for my nine year old to see Parks’ bus and Lincoln’s chair, but I was hesitant for him to see the harsh realities of slavery.

Mason proudly sat in the very same seat Rosa Parks refused to give up.  He posed next to the chair in which Lincoln lost his life.  Then, long after his friends had moved on to other exhibits, he spent over an hour staring wide eyed at all of the civil rights artifacts…from illustrations of slave ships, to shocking slave restraints, to a copy of Martin Luther King Jr.’s  “I Have a Dream” speech.  I answered the questions I could answer, and we read much of the information together.  I could feel Mason’s dark mood as we headed back to the buses to return to school.  As we approached the buses Mason, who had ridden happily with his loud, excited friends in the morning, asked if he could sit with me on the bus.  Surprised and honored, I told him of course.  The bus on the return trip to the school was much quieter filled with exhausted little boys and girls.  Mason tucked himself in under my arm, and I figured he would fall asleep before long.  I was wrong…his mind was working over time.

After a long few moments of quiet Mason looked at me with huge tears in his eyes.  He said to me, “Mom, do people still do awful things to other people?”  I squeezed him a little tighter and responded as gently, but honestly as I could with, “Yes, son they sometimes do.”  Mason looked at me and said, “You mean like people being mean to Corey?”  My heart nearly broke as he began to cry and continued, “Mom, I love Corey, and people are so stupid.”  My baby, just nine years old, had just connected the civil rights fight to his beloved big brother all by himself, and I couldn’t have been prouder.   

By knowing and loving his big brother, Mason had learned to embrace and respect not just gay people, but all people. Mason sees Corey not as a homosexual, not as gay…he sees him as absolutely, undeniably, beyond measure…a human being worthy of all the love in his little boy heart. 

Allowing children to learn to see gay people as simply people…ordinary, everyday people, should not be the exception or extraordinary.   It should be no big deal that a cartoon character is portrayed as gay.  Children need to grow up seeing all types of people. 

Thank you to DreamWorks for giving a generation of children just that opportunity.   DreamWorks recognizes that gay characters are pertinent, necessary, innocent, beautiful and natural.  Homosexuality is not merely an adult subject.  Introducing children to gay people allows them to develop love and respect for all people, even those that may be different than anyone else they’ve met before. 

I have learned through my son Mason that Steven Sondheim is right, “children will listen”, even when we adults don’t think they are paying attention, and what they do with that information can astound us.


Follow Mindy on Twitter at : nvymomw4

Listen to a podcast radio interview with Corey and Mindy here.

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66 Responses to How My Eleven Year Old Son Taught Me That Having a Gay Character in ‘Train Your Dragon’ is Important

  1. Jess says:

    Miss Mindy –

    Thank you for being the person and the Mom you are!

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  4. Upright says:

    As of this writing, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is under-performing at the box office. WAY underperforming. Dreamworks Stock has taken a hit as a result. There’s talk that there will NOT be a Dragon 3. Now, this movie was supposed to be the most hotly-anticipated movie of the summer. Yet it had a shockingly weak opening weekend and has faltered ever since. It’s gotten great reviews, and there’s not much competition out there when it comes to kiddie films.

    What happened?

    Two words: gay viking.


    Note to Hollywood: if you want to make money with family-oriented animated films, and you want to keep a franchise going, don’t turn one of the main characters gay. America is still much more traditional in character than people with certain agendas want to believe.

    I bet it’ll be a long LONG time before any American movie studio that creates animated family fare will try such a stunt again.


    • robw77 says:

      You obviously did not see the movie. In actuality, if you did not go looking for the Gobber reference, you would have missed it. To say it is not germaine to the film is an understatement. Anyone who would not see the film because of it would not do so out of discomfort with gay people, they would have to be obsessively homophobic. Here is a more accurate assessment of the film’s finances and the reasons behind them.

      “There are a number of reasons why How to Train Your Dragon 2 didn’t fly to top-tier DreamWorks Animation box office highs in America. It is possible the television show muted the special-ness of the event, while it is possible that parents decided to hold off on a film that they were worried would scare their kids. Walt Disney’s Maleficent proved to be just leggy enough to eat into the female demographic that otherwise might have showed up for the (mostly) boy-centric dragon adventure. Or it could just be that the lasting popularity of How to Train Your Dragon was overstated by we adult critics and box office pundits who presumed that the kids liked it as much as we did.
      The good news is that, at a $145 million budget, the sequel will likely be somewhat profitable even if it doesn’t reach the $497m total of the first film, which it obviously could in the end. The film is only a disappointment in the sense that we thought it would be a bigger hit (if only in America at the moment), not in the sense that it is in any real financial danger. And there is no law saying that How to Train Your Dragon has to be DreamWorks’ biggest box office franchise. They can certainly exist as the artistic milestone in the DreamWorks library, the ones that earn critical raves and win awards (including a possible Best Animated Feature Oscar this go-around) while the Madagascar films earn significantly more money.”

      You’re betting that movies will be now scapegoated due to gay characters? I’m betting that no one offers you a job as a movie executive any time soon. Better go back to blaming gay people for tornados and earthquakes.

    • Jess says:


      This was not a stunt, it was a bonafide attempt to integrate the reality of the diversity of society in a format that kids could understand and therefore should be applauded.

      “All it takes is one voice, singing in the darkness… “

  5. Pingback: Film Review: How To Train Your Dragon 2 | So So Gay magazine

  6. Pingback: How My Eleven Year Old Son Taught Me That Having a Gay Character in ‘Train Your Dragon’ is Important -

  7. Jeff Bennett says:

    Mindy – This is a beautiful story of triumph, love and cruelty. We shared an excerpt with our Facebook friends ( Thank you for your insight. – Jeff

  8. Pingback: How my eleven year old son taught me that having a gay character in ‘Train Your Dragon’ is important – Proud Parenting

  9. Clarence says:

    It is those innocent, unhardened, wide-eyed open hearts of kids like your Mason that give me hope that this world and humanity itself has its best days still ahead. Thank you, Mindy, for sharing your story, and your lovely family, with us all!

  10. bveltrop72 says:

    Just lovely. Children are so beautifully innocent. It is terrible that we are taught to hate and be intolerant.

  11. Jim Reeves says:

    Reblogged this on Queer Landia and commented:
    The children are watching.

  12. anon says:

    Nice story, but the (absence of) connection to the movie seems just clickbait.

    • The connection to the movie is there. Not all kids have a gay family member in the home like this family does. The author is saying that Dreamworks is doing exactly what should be done. The inclusion of minority characters helps children see and understand people different from the norm are not so different at all. Having visibility makes something go from shocking and strange to just a normal thing.

  13. The fact that the positive comments on this piece overwhelmingly out number the negative gives me hope for the world. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support. To the folks who chose to comment negatively…you are the very reason that allowing children to learn to love and embrace all people is vital. Thank you for helping us all see that the hope for the future of humanity rests with our children.

  14. Sandra says:

    Love what you said. Having beliefs doesn’t make you a bad person, using those believes to be nasty and hateful makes you a bad person. You know what they say about opinions “Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has them but some peoples just stink.”

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  16. Matt Howell says:

    not all people will agree with all life styles, and thats okay. persecuting and attacking people due to their beliefs is where people often go too far. Everyone has their own take on these issues. Something like sexuality can affect the rest of a person’s life and should not be taken lightly. Just because you don’t agree with homosexuality (myself included) doesn’t mean you should condemn them and attack them, be it through words or physical violence. Every person has the freedom to do these things. They are free to do as they please. And if the action is harmful, such as smoking, they are still free to do it. They will just have to learn the hard way about the consequences.

    • robw77 says:

      Thanks for your comment, Matt. I am not clear at all how one can “agree” with another person’s sexual orientation. For me, my lifestyle is that of a dad…and I happen to be gay. Your agreement or disagreement with my life would be very strange since you are not informed enough to make that call. As far as the “learn the hard way about the consequences”… for me the consequences would disappoint you. I have two incredibly great kids and the love and respect of friends and family. Yeah, I think I will deal with that. Thanks for sharing though.

      • ellendolfan says:

        I never understood someone not “agreeing” with homosexuality. No one asked you to in the first place. All people ask is that you live and let live.

        • Mike says:

          Are u kidding me?! Gays push there lifestyle down americas throats non stop! Thhey want everyone to accept them or else well boycott u. Or get u fired from ur job etc etc. They keep talking and talking and talking about it and trust me PEOPLE ARE FUCKING TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THERE BEDROOM LIFE. its like if i went door to door across america and tried to get everyone to join my religion. Since 99% will say no u say thank u havr a nice day and WALK AWAY! buy homos keep pushing and pushing and pushing and WONT STOP. TRUST ME THEY NEED TO STOP. if someone doesnt like them then fucking DEAL WITH IT. for fuks sake. HELL TGE ENTIRE middle east hates gays as well russia. And about 4 billion others. So ya there not making strides. So yes they ARE ASKING!

          • ellendolfan says:

            Gays/bis are just asking for the same rights everyone else has. No one is trying to turn straight people gay, but there are certainly tons of people trying to turn gay people straight. So who exactly has the agenda here?

          • Corina says:

            Mike, I’ve read some of your comments and I’m very worried about you. You seem to be working yourself into a tizzy over your extreme feelings towards us gay people. I’m so sorry that you have had lots of gay people coming on to you or telling you about their bedroom activities or whatever it is that they’ve done. I’m sure that as a straight guy you’ve never talked about girls in that way to anyone. So as a card carrying member let me formally apologize to you for any inconvenience and/or uncomfortable feelings that you’ve had to endure. Making straight people uncomfortable is not something that we gays set out to do, some people are just incredibly sensitive and haven’t been brought up in a manner that teaches “LOVE”. So don’t be afraid, we won’t hurt you but it does sound like someone could use a big hug!

    • I have to say it seems you don’t really understand what being gay means. It is nothing but a detail, like having brown hair or green eyes. There aren’t any “consequences.” My lifestyle is that of a quiet person who enjoys staying home and reading books or sharing a meal with my loved ones. I think a large mistake of the anti gay demographic is that they believe a “lifestyle” is connected to being gay, and that just isn’t true. I happily lead a quiet life doing my best to learn about and encourage sustainable living. The idea of a gay “lifestyle” is nothing more than a stereo type perpetuated by one very visible demographic within the gay community, but that is a sub culture within a sub culture rather than the definition of a state of being. Being gay does not mean a life of promiscuity and drugs. It is just a word to describe the demographic you are able to find love in.

  17. Cyndie says:

    I think it is great that media has ‘normalized’ being gay. I regularly watch shows like ‘Modern Family’ with my kids. My hope is that this upcoming generation can get past this hate and bigotry because they have grown up with it and it will be no big deal.

  18. Douglas Connors says:


    In every sense of the word.

  19. pit128 says:

    This is stupid, just another way the gays are trying to shove their homosexuality down everyone’s throats. Putting it in a kids movie subtle or not is just wrong. This is what I worry about our kids this generation because of crap like this kids are going to be “gay” when they aren’t just because it’s starting to turn up everywhere now.

    • Wren says:

      You are the problem with humanity. Go live on another planet. You’re the worst kind of person.

      • neinschweiz says:

        I don’t see how they are the worst kind of person they just stated an opinion. But I see according to you if they don’t share your same views it makes them a horrible person.

        • brandon says:

          neinschweiz, are you for real? SURE. Everyone has the right to their opinion. They also have the right to express that opinion. But wait! That right does not stop at the homophobic douchebag. The educated also has the right to express THEIR opinion that making such unrelenting offensive statements DOES in fact make them a horrible person. If pit128 had said that “all women are useless, shouldn’t be allowed to vote or drive. Stupid cunts need to remain barefoot and in the kitchen where they belong” or “all blacks need to give up their seat on public transportation to good upstanding white folk or maybe get their nigger ass back in the field and pick me some cotton” . . . well, sure, a person is ALLOWED to hold and even express these abhorrent statements and they would also make the speaker a horrible person. Get this clear: the statements made by pit128 and consequently your idiotic defense thereof are JUST as offensive toward not ONLY the glbt community but to those enlightened enough as the writer of this article as EITHER of my two above statements would be to not only women or the african american community, but anyone with half a brain working enough to understand that when you demean an actual human being based on things over which they have no control (race, sex, sexual orientation), you ARE, in fact, a horrible human being . . . just like you.

          • BIGB says:

            so defending someone’s right to their opinion means you support their opinion? Quite frankly i think the assumptions you are making make you a horrible human being…
            and if you think posting a comment on a message board make someone “the worst kind of human” then i think you need to spend a little less time on the internet.

          • Jasmine says:

            Opinions should not be sacred or protected when they are the expense of other people’s ability to find happiness and comfort in life. If it was somebody’s “opinion” that POC shouldn’t be allowed to be educated we generally see them as being stupid and bigoted and this SHOULD BE no different when on the subject of homosexuality. Also if you have a problem with homosexuals trying to shove their sexuality down other people’s throats, consider how often we see billboards with a straight couple on it, or magazines showing a husband and wife kissing on it, or thousands upon thousands of films that are all about a man and a woman falling in love… does that bother you? Having heterosexuality shoved down your throat everywhere you go?

          • robw77 says:

            To BigB…. don’t you find your point a bit hypocritical? If you want to defend someone’s right to express an opinion, your next breath might not want to be banishing someone who disagrees with them. Just saying. Might want to take some of your own medicine there…

    • Jamie says:

      What’s wrong with homosexuality? Is there anything wrong with two un-related, of-age people wanting to be in a relationship with each other? Kids will turn gay cuz they see a gay character? That’s funny since all the straight couples i see in movies and tv shows didn’t make me straight…by your logic, I should be straight by now. I knew as a little kid that I liked boys…this was back in elementary school before I even knew what “gay” and “straight” was and had no idea what sex was. All my schoolyard crushes were on boy classmates and not girls. Yet people are idiotic enough to say I chose to be gay. You need to re-evaluate your life if your insecurity makes the thought of a gay cartoon character such a horror to you

    • Gridlock says:

      “just another way the gays are trying to shove their homosexuality down everyone’s throats”

      What, having gay characters in movies? Gay people have to put up with heterosexuality being shoved down THEIR throats from the minute they’re born, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They live in a society that is 99.99% geared towards the needs of heterosexuals. Straight people exist as a fact in movies, tv, they’re making out all over the airwaves, they’re draped on each other in magazines, on billboards, they’re on the radio.. it’s EVERYWHERE. You don’t even think about it because you don’t notice it.

      “Putting it in a kids movie subtle or not is just wrong.”

      Why? Ever watch the Little Mermaid? She spends the entire movie wanting to change herself because she fell in love with some random guy. Every kids movie has heterosexual romance, kissing, relationships. Now homosexual ones are wrong? What hypocrisy.

      “This is what I worry about our kids this generation because of crap like this kids are going to be “gay” when they aren’t just because it’s starting to turn up everywhere now.”

      .. and this is really where your ignorance is made fully apparent. You can’t catch gay. You can’t turn gay watching tv. You can’t make someone gay by showing them gay relationships. They’re either gay or they aren’t, just like you are straight or you aren’t. If you could turn someone gay by including the reality of gay people in a film, surely all the gay people in the world could be turned straight by the constant bombardment of heterosexual exampled being shoved down their throat all day long, right?

      No. It doesn’t work that way. Educate yourself please. You’re an ignorant bumpkin.

      • neinschweiz says:

        They never said 2 adults of age acting gay, they said kids. If you actually have paid attention you see a lot of pre teens being “gay” because they think it’s the “in” thing. As for you saying that heterosexuality is being is being shoved down everyone’s throats is an ignorant statement, heterosexuals don’t have an obnoxious parade begging for attention. You can say that’s a parade for equal rights or whatever but when a majority of the people in there are barely dressed and pushing the homosexual stereotype, they are just attention whoring.

        • Jordan says:

          An obnoxious parade begging for attention? You’re kidding me right? Are you saying that the Civil Rights marches that Martin Luther King Jr. took part in to gain support for Civil Rights was just something that he did to beg for attention? He was only doing to be noticed? Every reply you have made has been bigoted, because you are corrupted by a society that has to find fault in everything that is in a minority, including gays. And for gay being the “in” thing. I’m pretty sure that is completely false, as the preteen age is when kids start to question who they really are in life, including their sexual preference. That’s just a simple fact of psychology.

        • Pine says:

          You’re an ignorant jackass. First of all preteens acting gay because they think it’s cool is a myth. Preteens exploring their sexuality openly, with out fear of rejection is a real thing and it’s kind of awesome.

          Second of all the gay Pride events were not created for equal rights, they were created as a backlash against the hate, bigotry and VIOLENCE spewed (by people much like yourself) over the years. It is an event to shout and scream and DEMAND that people not only hear the LGBT community, they listen and stop closing their eyes to the kind of indecency those people have suffered. It’s a way to make sure people like Brandon Teena, and Mathew Shepherd are remembered. It’s a way to say to people who feel lost, confused, alone and suicidal that you are NOT alone and not only are there other people like you out there, they will fight and DEMAND you hear them. It was created as a direct result of the Stonewall Riots, which happened as a result of violence towards the LGBT community at the hands of citizens, police and government for generations.

          So the next time your ignorant, backwater, uneducated ass wants to open it’s mouth and spew some vile tripe like this? Be thankful you don’t have any clue why something like pride is necessary. Be thankful that you have thousands of parades of every year all around the world celebrating how awesome it is to be you. And stop being a selfish prick and give the LGBT community their one parade. And when you’re done go back to the sewer you crawled out of, troll, you’re making me sick. I’d hate to catch whatever disease you have that is rotted your brain.

          • neinschweiz says:

            Lol wow someone got their panties in a bunch. Why do people always have to resort to name calling? If you really are trying to make an ignorant, backwater, uneducated ass like you call me see your point of view that’s not a way go about it. If anything this would make an “ignorant, backwater, uneducated ass” dislike them more.

        • Joel says:

          “Majority of the people there are barely dressed”? Really? I suspect you’ve never actually been to a Pride Parade from this comment, and are basing it on a few images you’ve seen or rumours you’ve heard of people being undressed. And, what is your definition of “barely dressed”? I’ve seen plenty of straight people “barely dressed” when they go out to night clubs… at all times of the year. Does this mean they’re pushing some “heterosexual agenda”? No. There is no agenda. You can’t assume because the odd person is “barely dressed” that it reflects on an entire group of people. I mean… you could, but it’d make you an idiot. I hope you realize that’s stereotyping, right?

          I’m gay. I don’t strip down in public (as most gay people don’t), and I don’t “attention whore”. I live a quiet life, work my job, pay my bills, enjoy the company of the person I love, and always look out for my friends and family. I’m a normal person. The fact that I’m in a loving relationship with someone of the same gender has no bearing on my value. It’s just a small part of my life.

          You clearly haven’t investigated the life of an actual gay person to really formulate any informed opinion here. “If you actually have paid attention you see a lot of pre teens being “gay” because they think it’s the “in” thing.” Interesting. Have you spoken with these pre-teens? Did they *tell* you they were doing it just because it’s “the in thing”, as you’ve suggested? Or did you just pull that fact out of your ass? On second thought, given the depth of your argument, it probably came from someone else’s ass that you’ve mindlessly followed.

          • Jasmine says:

            I’m so glad that people are calling out bullshit when they see it! Something I think that needs to be addressed however is the subject of parades. The reason the LGBTQA+ community holds those parades is not because they want everyone to know about how “proud” they are of themselves. Parades happen because we live in a world where being anything but straight is wrong, and kids live in fear that they can be kicked out or disowned by their parents. As soon as straight people have to worry about being fired for their sexuality, getting disowned for their sexuality, getting beaten for their sexuality, being told that they’re “broken” because of their sexuality THEN we will need a straight pride parade. They are a symbol that despite violence, hate, and oppression we are not ashamed to be true to ourselves.

        • Souris says:

          You started the name calling. Do you think we can’t see your other hateful, lying, trolling, comments?

        • robw77 says:

          neinschweiz. Your opinion would be an absolute hoot if it were not so dangerous. As the dad of pre-teens I can tell you that NONE of their peers think that gay is “in” and the trendy thing to be. Kids that are perceived to be gay are harassed and often incited to suicide. Heterosexuals do not need a parade to shove their orientation down everyone’s throats when it is in almost every single TV show, movie, book and magazine. The parades are an assertion against oppression, by the way, so just be grateful that you don’t need one; and we will continue to enjoy kids movies that not only promote heterosexuality, but actually show heterosexual kissing and affection… and WE will enjoy that along with you and not complain about our throats.

        • Mike says:

          Couldnt agree more. But im so damn tired of hearing homo this homo that. Its sick.

    • Douglas Connors says:

      Everyone’s entitled to an opinion.

      Unfortunately, not everybody’s opinion is informed.

      Pit128 and those who agree with Pit128’s “opinion” illustrate the above point perfectly.

    • Andrew Werling says:

      Did you read the article? Is your heart made of stone?

    • Steve says:

      LOL ya I’m gay because tv made me that way…haha!! You fail SO much. I PRAY if you have kids (so hope you don’t) they adopt a more tolerant attitude than you.

    • I’m sorry for your frustration, but having a gay cartoon character is not going to make kids gay anymore than growing up watching heterosexual characters made me straight. I grew up being taught that homosexuality was immoral and that I should pursue macho things because I was a boy and from the beginning I ignored it all. I knew who I was without anyone influencing me and I was very impatient with my parents efforts to “teach” me. Having gay characters in cartoons does nothing but make the existence of homosexuals visible. We are never going to disappear and it is better for children to learn to live with people who are different from themselves as well as have characters they can identify with for those who are gay. The cartoon won’t make them gay, the kids that are gay already were.

    • Garett Fox says:

      I think you have it backwards. Because of people like you, gay kids are going to be “straight” when they aren’t just because being themselves is a risk they aren’t comfortable taking.

  20. Gay Quotes says:

    They still looks like he’s twenty-five. Amazing.

  21. Reblogged this on Susan "The Fruit Fly" Gutierrez and commented:
    So important. We need to listen to our children. Hear their voices.

  22. praw27 says:

    Wonderful! What a smart kid for recognizing that ALL people are the same and an intelligent mom for allowing him to…

  23. Dr. Rex says:

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    There is hope! This is the way and reason this world is going to change ….

  24. Sarah J. Wanger says:

    Thank you for this. This is wonderful.

  25. Justin says:

    i wanted to throw it out there, that paranorman has a gay character in it as well, im not sure if more or less subtle, but here is a link i thought you may enjoy.

  26. I always leave this blog with a smile and a boost to my resolve to always stand up for people like Corey, and Mason.

  27. Flamia Minu says:

    Awesome article! On the subject, I suggest you also watch Boxtrolls when they come out. It’s promising, and it has shown also a variety of families that children should always be familiar with:

  28. Joy Walker Hall says:

    This will be shared with the hope that everyone who sees it will be effected in a positive way. You children are very lucky to have you.

  29. elfkat says:

    Reblogged this on Adventures and Musings of an Arch Druidess and commented:
    Good for Dreamworks and what a cool family!

  30. Bravo to Mindy – you’re a brave and loving mom – just as all moms should be.

  31. jerbearinsantafe says:

    Reblogged this on JerBear's Queer World News, Views & More From The City Different – Santa Fe, NM and commented:
    A beautiful reflection…

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